

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Amaran utk wanita


Jumpa nih kat email.. so sharing kat sini.. buat kawan2 wanita yg tersayang.. :)

Danger of wearing pantyliner everyday

Shocking, shocking, shocking – wearing pantyliner everyday would lead to vagina bacteria infection! This is such a critical issue to me that I wished I could amplify my voice to the whole world and warn all the female counterparts. Not to scare everyone off, there are also mild cases like genital acne problem or yeast infection. But, that is disturbing enough.
I asked the doctor why would wearing pantyliner on a daily basis brings about these issues. Her explanations were simple to understand and I wish to pen them down so that I can remember them and let this be a warning to all of us.
Issues #1Firstly, the adhesive strip at the bottom of the pantyliner is made of plastic. And, we all know that skin is unable to breath through plastic.
Now image this: You pass out normal genital discharge during the day, your discharge stays on the pantyliner, which would be sticked against your skin for as long as you are still wearing the pantyliner. We also know that bacteria grow much faster in wet and high-temperature area. Now, you see, the bacteria is growing on areas like your Labia Majora and Clitoris. This will highly likely cause gential acne and irritation.
Issue #2
Well, I was thinking, how about those pantyliners that say “super absorbent” or “breathable backsheet”? The doctor said those added attributes definitely require added chemical content. Well, and God knows how those chemical is treating our skin.
Issue #3
I sort of forgotten the real purpose of pantyliner until the doctor mention it again, and here is what I found on Wiktionary. A pad worn on the inner surface of women’s underwear … during a shoulder-day of the menstrual period, designed to absorb small, spotty quantities of menstrual fluid, in contrast to a tampon or sanitary napkin, worn on heavy-flow days.Yes, if you got it right, pantyliners are meant for spotting days, and not to be worn on a daily affair.
One thing you can do for yourselfThe type of panties that we wear would contribute to the problem too. It is strongly advisable to wear panties that is made of at least 95% cotton. Cotton is absorbent and creates less abrasion against the skin, thus, lower chance of developing genital irritation.
Girls, ladies, babes, we should take care of our own bodies, because we own them. :)

sumber : email.


Komen jgn xkomen.... tp jika tuan blog tak sempat reply sila maafkan yer.. kekadang masa mencemburui utk melekap jew ngan blog kesayangan.. :)

Terima kasih bagi yg sudi terjah sini.. insyaallah tuan blog akan cuba menerjah blog anda kembali.. Tq for the support.