

Monday, December 20, 2010

'Being gay is against Islam'

ALOR STAR: Homosexuality is not allowed in Islam, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, in charge of Islamic affairs, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said.
That was his response when he was asked to comment on a video of a Malaysian engineer, who made a public confession regarding his sexual orientation on YouTube.

"I don't want to comment so much on this issue. For Muslims, we must remember that being gay is against our religious teaching," he told reporters after launching an international business carnival-cum-anti-dadah campaign, organised by HR Marketing Sdn Bhd, here yesterday.

Jamil however did not elaborate on the type of action that would be taken against the person or parties, who made the video.

In the two minute, 41 second long video, the man, who is also a writer, claimed he is gay.

He even introduced himself and gave his age. The video has garnered more than 40,000 views.

Kredit: Nst.
Don't know what happen to muslim today...sad...

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Komen jgn xkomen.... tp jika tuan blog tak sempat reply sila maafkan yer.. kekadang masa mencemburui utk melekap jew ngan blog kesayangan.. :)

Terima kasih bagi yg sudi terjah sini.. insyaallah tuan blog akan cuba menerjah blog anda kembali.. Tq for the support.