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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

[Nuffnang Blogbuster] Campaign – Acer Hybrid Ultrabook


Ramai dah yg dpt kot offer dari Nuffnang utk Nuffnang Blogbuster Campaign- Acer Hybrid Ultrabook. Me dapat last friday melalui email. terkejut makcik tau.. kiki.. tak sangka eks.. almaklum la blog ai kan bukan femes pun.. kiki.. thank you Nuffnang... terasa dihargai lak.. aduhai berangan tak habis2.. kannnn

 Hi (full name me),
We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in a Blogbuster campaign based on your survey preference to run Expandable ads. The details of this campaign are as follows: 
Campaign Name:Acer Hybrid Ultrabook 
Submission Deadline:
10 May 2013 
 Campaign Period:
13 May 2013 to 10 June 2013

Here's a summary of what you need to do: 
1. Record a short video (approx. 10 seconds) creatively based on the brief below in your own preferred language. Please note that video should not be a reproduction of client's materials (purely copy paste images) and should include your own recordings. 
2. Upload your video in the space provided. You may upload up to 5 videos. 
3. If your video(s) is chosen for the campaign, it will be shown on the ad displayed on your blog. Kindly note that if your video(s) is not chosen, the ad will not show up on your blog. 
4. Please note that approved videos will be compressed and a 5-sec branding clip will be added to the end of your video.

You will earn:
RM0.50 for each complete play of the video that is shown on your ad unit (this rate applies to Glitterati members only).

wlpun dpt email hari jumaat td baru sempat masuk kat nuffnang dashboard blog utk selidik apa benda nyer tuh kann.. hhhmmm.. mmg dah ada dah tab utk blogbuster kat situ..

Menarik kan bila tgk dia punya payment.. setiap klip video tuh org click.. mama boleh dpt rm0.50.. hehehe... kepala terus berangan mcm2... kiki..

tp mama fikir task nih payah sikit la.. kena buat dengan bantuan orang dan alatan yg lengkap utk menghasilkan video.. kena berlakon uols.. seksa mak rasanya.. kompom kena gelak jew nnt.. #bad thinking eks.. buweekk

so.. korang rajin2 la check email korang.. kot2 korang pun dpt offer jugak.. mesti korang banyak idea punya kann.. hehe..

Ke harus ai buat itu video.. hhhmmm.. kena perah otak la kann.. cr idea.. 
Ada nak share idea tak..?? kiki


Anonymous said...

KA Pun dapat x pasti nak buat vid apa ni

dalila said...

dah klik.. :)

mieya said...

Mieya pon dah pening, tak tahu nak buat macam mana kali nie.

Ayue Rejaluddin said...

AJ dapat..
tapi tak taulah join ke tak.... =D

suri said...

haa buat jgn tak alahai..


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