Designer Ed Chu (Ed Chew) took a step in the eco-direction by creating a lamp TetraBox - design object
lighting. It is assembled from used packages of juices or other drinks that would have been
in a landfill. Design object is created from deployed packages that are cut out and fold
in hexagonal and pentagonal elements. Then one of these parts gathers us form
whether the ball as in the photos, or cylinder. Can be collected all the necessary form, which
tell fantasy and need. This lamp creates an interesting soft light and casts a remarkable
web of shadow, transforming the environment. So you can combine business with pleasure
useful - to give a second life useless things and decorate the room design objects.
sumber: email.
p/s: kreatif sungguh.... terpegun ngan kebijaksanaan beliau.... mana la dapat ilham ni kan...
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